Stone Mill Inspired Production Method
Which takes its taste from the
stone mill and makes everyone happy with its taste and smell.
stone mill and makes everyone happy with its taste and smell.
It's time to give the pasta its due!
We invited Ata Demirer, who will add his love
to beautiful plates, to give the secret of taste and the right of pasta! After
all, our stance that gi..

About Mutlu Makarna
Mutlu Makarnacılık Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ, one of the well-established companies of Turkey, with its experience of more than 50 years in the sector, has high quality standards, modern, innovative, and fully automated facilities with 3,200 tons/day wheat processing, 1,850 tons/day pasta, 600 tons/day wheat flour and 40 tons of Moroccan couscous. It is one of the world's leading food businesses with its Moroccan couscous production capacity per day.
Mutlu Pasta at the 27th Golden Men of the Year Award Ceremony
"In Gaziantep, the city of industry, culture, history, export, production, sports and education in the Southeast, it is time to pay our debt of loyalt..

With our #çevremutlubizmutlu social responsibility project, we transform the energy we receive from the sun into production with the solar panel investment we made in our facilities located in the 5th Organized Industrial Zone. We consider it our duty to respect the environment, to leave a cleaner nature for future generations and to transform these concepts into concrete actions.
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